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What is Spiritual Healing?


Spiritual healing is solving a problem by passing on spiritual energy on to the entity that needs to be healed. The energy is typically passed on by touch. In very rare cases such as what I do, it can be passed on through thoughts.


How does the energy solve the problems?


The energy has in built intelligence. Just as physical energy can be thought of as the capacity to do physical work, spiritual energy can do both physical and mental work because of the intelligence in it.


What is the basis of intelligence of spiritual energy?


The basis is its imbalance removing capability. Any problem can be thought to exist because there is some imbalance. Spiritual energy sets it right and solves the problem


What can spiritual energy work on?


Spiritual energy can work on anything and at all levels of reality, It can work on mind and soul and it can neutralize karmas if it is powerful enough. I routinely work on karmas to solve many difficult problems.


How long does it take for a solution to problems?


Problems with moderate level difficulty can be solved under 2 weeks. Difficult problems typically incurable even by science can take up to 8 weeks and the toughest problems can take more time.


Can you guarantee solution?


We are the best bet for solving tough problems. We more or less guarantee solutions even though there may be rarest of rare cases that can defy solutions or take long for getting solved when the karmas are exceptionally strong.





Can you do readings over the phone?

What can I expect my reading to be like?

How long does each reading session take?

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